Salàrio Mark Zuckerberg

Presidente Executivo - Meta
Data de nascimento: 1984 Estados Unidos
  • Anual: R$ 287.136.842.454,00
  • Mensal: R$ 23.928.070.204,50
  • Semanal: R$ 5.521.862.354,88
  • Diariamente: R$ 1.104.372.470,98
Mark Zuckerberg

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Este resumo é fornecido pela Wikipedia:

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg é um magnata, empresário e filantropo norte-americano. Conhecido por co-fundar o site de mídia social Facebook e sua empresa-mãe Meta Platforms, da qual é presidente, diretor executivo e acionista controlador. Em março de 2011, a revista Forbes colocou Zuckerberg na 36ª posição da lista das pessoas mais ricas do mundo, com uma fortuna estimada em 17,5 bilhões de dólares. Em junho de 2015, sua fortuna já estava avaliada em 38,4 bilhões de dólares, em 2016 seu patrimônio líquido foi estimado em 51,8 bilhões de dólares.

Página da Wikipedia sobre Mark Zuckerberg

Fictional income calculated by subtracting the net worth of 2023 from the 2024 net worth.
Net Worth 2024: $177.4 B (no rise compared to last year)

Forbes Net Worth 2023: $ 106 B ($ 48.3 B rise compared to 2022)

Forbes Net worth 2022: $57.7 B (no rise compared to the previous year)

Forbes Sep 2022: Zuckerberg has lost more than half his fortune—a staggering $76.8 billion—since

September 2021, dropping him from No. 3 on The Forbes 400 list of the U.S.’ wealthiest people to No. 11. Worth $57.7 billion on this year’s list.

Forbes Jan 2022: Net Worth $ 67.3 B

Forbes 2021: net worth $ 97 billion

Forbes Jan 2021: net worth $ 101.2 billion

UsaToday Dec 2020: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's official salary is only $1. However, through other forms of compensation, he was paid more than $23.4 million in fiscal 2019. Despite a multimillion dollar salary, Zuckerberg's income is only 94 times higher than that of his typical employee.

Forbes Feb 2020: net worth $ 72 billion

Bloomberg Nov 2019: net worth $ 74.5 billion

Usa Today May 2019: most recent annual compensation $22.6 million

Forbes 2019 net worth: $62.3 billion

Forbes March 2015: net worth $33.4 billion

Bloomberg April 2014: 1 dollar salary and compensation of $653,165 over 2013. Net worth $27 billion.

Guardian Oct 2013: total comp $2.27 billion

Huff Post 29 April 2013: $1 annual salary

Foxnews 9 Feb 2012: $225,000 based on his annual salary of $500,000.

WP 2 Feb 2012: $483,333 in 2011, in addition to a $220,500 bonus for the first half of 2011. He also received “other” compensation — which covers such things as chartered travel costs and security details — that totaled $783,529. Overall, Zuckerberg received $1,487,362 for 2011, excluding his substantial stake in the company. Effective Jan. 1, 2013, Zuckerberg will reduce his base annual salary to $1.


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Update: 2024-3
