Salàrio Joe Biden

Presidente - Estados Unidos
Data de nascimento: 1942, Pennsylvania, United States
  • Anual: R$ 2.445.799,00
  • Mensal: R$ 203.816,58
  • Semanal: R$ 47.034,60
  • Diariamente: R$ 9.406,92
Joe Biden
Este resumo é fornecido pela Wikipedia:

Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden Jr. é um advogado e político norte-americano que serve atualmente como o 46.º presidente dos Estados Unidos. Filiado ao Partido Democrata, foi o 47.º vice-presidente de 2009 a 2017, durante o governo Obama. Entre 1973 e 2009, exerceu seis mandatos consecutivos como senador pelo Delaware, período em que presidiu importantes comitês do Senado.

Página da Wikipedia sobre Joe Biden

Forbes Apr 2024: Most of the Bidens’ income came from their salaries, with $400,000 paid to the president and nearly $86,000 from the first lady’s work as a professor at Northern Virginia Community College.
Business Insider Apr 2022: Joe Biden's presidential salary was $378,333, slightly below the typical $400,000 annual pay because he entered office on January 20. June 2020: The president is paid a $400,000 a year; on top of that, they receive an extra $50,000 expense allowance, a $100,000 non-taxable travel account and $19,000 for entertainment.
Time January 2017: Biden receives his retirement income based on his role as President of the Senate, assuming he has been covered under the Civil Service Retirement System for the past 43 years, Biden's pension could be around $248,670 per year. April 2014: Adjusted gross income for the Bidens in 2013 was $407,009, $230,700 of that is the salary of Joe Biden as vice president.
Huffingtonpost December 28th, 2012: As of March 27, 2013, federal employees will see a half to one percent pay increase. Biden's pay will increase to $231,900.


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Update: 2024-4
