Salàrio Príncipe William

Principe - Wales, Duke of Cornwall - Reino Unido
Data de nascimento: 1982 Reino Unido
  • Anual: R$ 44.360.910,00
  • Mensal: R$ 3.696.742,50
  • Semanal: R$ 853.094,42
  • Diariamente: R$ 170.618,88
Príncipe William

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Este resumo é fornecido pela Wikipedia:

Guilherme, Príncipe de Gales, KG, KT, PC, ADC é um aristocrata britânico e herdeiro aparente ao trono do Reino Unido e dos Reinos da Comunidade de Nações. Ele é o filho mais velho do rei Carlos III com Diana, Princesa de Gales e tornou-se o primeiro na linha de sucessão ao trono britânico após a morte de sua avó, a rainha Isabel II, no dia 8 de setembro de 2022. Como membro da família real britânica, ele pertence à Casa de Windsor, assim como o seu irmão mais novo, o príncipe Henrique, Duque de Sussex. Guilherme casou-se com Catherine Middletton em 29 de abril de 2011 e com ela teve três filhos: Jorge, Carlota e Luís de Gales.

Página da Wikipedia sobre Guilherme, Príncipe de Gales

-Fortune June 2023: According to the Duchy of Cornwall estate’s 2023 annual report, Prince William received a private income of nearly £6 million this year—which converts to more than $7.5 million.

- £ 20,839,000 The Prince of Wales’s private income comes from the Duchy of Cornwall. His Royal Highness uses the majority of his income from the Duchy to support his public duties and charitable work and those of The Duchess of Cornwall and The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

- Forbes May 2021: Forbes May 2021: A royal power couple, William and Kate now have 12.7 million followers on Instagram and could wield their influence to the tune of $75,865 per post, which could amount to $3.6 million per year. Combined with their potential YouTube income the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge could earn around $6.1 million.

- Forbes Mar 2021: William receives an annual income from the Duchy of Cornwall to cover his family’s private expenses. In the fiscal year ending March 2020, the prince received a portion of nearly $8 million, which he had to share with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle before they announced they were stepping away from their royal duties.

- 2017 annual report says: "funding for the official activities of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry 3,529,000 -" - divided by 3, it would mean that each would get about £1.76 million a year on top of their mothers investment profits of at least £0.5 million (see below). The 2016 report doesn't mention the amount anymore, but at the site of the says: "The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry, do not receive a Sovereign's Grant or a Parliamentary Annuity, but use the income from the Duchy of Cornwall."


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Update: 2023-11
