Salàrio Hillary Clinton

Data de nascimento: 1947 EUA
  • Anual: R$ 32.256.028,00
  • Mensal: R$ 2.688.002,33
  • Semanal: R$ 620.308,23
  • Diariamente: R$ 124.061,65
Hillary Clinton

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Este resumo é fornecido pela Wikipedia:

Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton é uma advogada e política norte-americana. Exerceu os cargos de secretária de Estado dos Estados Unidos de 2009 a 2013, senadora por Nova Iorque entre 2001 e 2009, primeira-dama de 1993 a 2001, e foi a candidata do Partido Democrata à presidência na eleição de 2016. Foi a primeira mulher a receber mais votos populares em uma disputa presidencial, mas foi derrotada no Colégio Eleitoral.

Página da Wikipedia sobre Hillary Clinton

Note: the VIP Salary Check is based on a 5 days working week and 2 weeks holiday per year.
WSJ August 2016: The return showed Mrs. Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, made $10.6 million in adjusted gross income last year, largely from speaking fees, books, and Mr. Clinton’s consulting activities. Because they filed jointly half of their income is published here. The Clintons paid an effective federal income-tax rate of 34% in 2015, $3.24 million. The Clintons gave more than $1 million, or nearly 10% of their adjusted gross income, to charity.
WSJ July 2015: Mrs. Clinton reported gross speaking fees of about $10.5 million before expenses, and gross earnings as an author of about $5.6 million.
The statement said the Clintons paid an effective federal tax rate of more than 35% in both 2013 and 2014 and about $44 million in federal taxes since 2007. During that period they made almost $15 million in charitable contributions, the campaign said.


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Update: 2016-8
