Salàrio Donald Trump

Presidente - Estados Unidos
Data de nascimento: 1946 EUA
  • Anual: R$ 2.428.640,00
  • Mensal: R$ 202.386,67
  • Semanal: R$ 46.704,62
  • Diariamente: R$ 9.340,92
Donald Trump
Este resumo é fornecido pela Wikipedia:

Donald John Trump é um empresário, personalidade televisiva e político americano. Filiado ao Partido Republicano, é o atual presidente eleito dos Estados Unidos. Venceu as eleições de 2016 contra Hillary Clinton no número de delegados do colégio eleitoral, mas sofreu a maior derrota no voto popular de um presidente que conseguiu ser eleito. Foi empossado para o cargo em 20 de janeiro de 2017 e presidiu até 20 de janeiro de 2021, após perder as eleições de 2020 para Joe Biden. Apesar de ter encerrado seu primeiro mandato com os maiores níveis de impopularidade da história do país, venceu as eleições de 2024 contra Kamala Harris com o apoio de pouco menos da metade do eleitorado, tornando-se o primeiro ex-presidente desde Grover Cleveland a vencer um segundo mandato não consecutivo.

Página da Wikipedia sobre Donald Trump

Wikipedia July 2024: Former presidents receive a pension equal to the salary of a Cabinet secretary (Executive Level I); as of 2024, it is $246,400 per year.
Forbes Apr 2022: net worth $3 billion ($ 600 million rise compared to 2021)
Wikipedia 2020: Former presidents receive a pension equal to the pay that the head of an executive department (Executive Level I) would be paid; as of 2020, it is $219,200 per year.
CNBC Feb 2018: the president is paid $400,000 a year, plus an extra expense allowance of $50,000 a year, a $100,000 non-taxable travel account and $19,000 for entertainment. Besides pay, the president gets free transportation in the presidential limousine, Marine One and Air Force One and, of course, free housing in the White House. President Trump, whose net worth is an estimated $3 billion, pledged to donate his entire presidential salary to charity.
BBC Nov. 2016: President-elect Donald Trump has announced he will give up his presidential salary of $400,000 (£319,500) and take just $1 a year. What is actual salary is, remains uncertain. Trump never released his tax returns. Forbes estimates his wealth at $3.7 billion.
NYT May 2016: The financial disclosure form from Mr. Trump that was made public on Wednesday by the Federal Election Commission made it impossible to calculate his specific net worth or to verify his claim that he is worth more than $10 billion. A review of the disclosure form, which covered a period from January 2015 to the present, shows reported income of at least $615 million, an increase from $380 million a year earlier. [Because our salary check uses annual incomes as comparison we divided his 16-month income by 16 - which is $38,437,500 per month. This monthly income was multiplied by 12 which give an annual income over 2015 of $461,250,000.]
Portions of the new income came from Mr. Trump’s sale of the Miss Universe franchise, as well as increased revenues from his golf courses and a reduction in some investment account holdings. Mr. Trump reported assets valued at a minimum of $1.5 billion. Mr. Trump has been unwilling to publicize his recent tax returns. His tax returns could provide a more precise figure than the financial disclosures of how much he actually earns each year, as well as how much he pays in taxes.
Forbes May 2016: Mr. Trump’s says hi net worth is in excess of $10 billion dollars. That claim, however, is not backed up by the latest FEC filing, especially since Trump freely interchanges the terms revenue and income as if they mean the same thing.
NYT July 2015: Earning details were revealed in Mr. Trump’s financial disclosure form, filed with the Federal Election Commission last week and made public on Wednesday. It showed that Mr. Trump, a Republican, earned at least $380 million, making him the highest-earning candidate in the 2016 presidential field. But the form contained wide ranges for asset values and incomes that made it impossible to calculate a very wealthy candidate’s net worth or income with precision.
Forbes June 2013: $63 million
Forbes May 2012: $63 million
Forbes May 2011: $60 million
Salary 2010: $50 million according to Forbes
Note: the VIP Salary Check is based on a 5 days working week and 2 weeks holiday per year.


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Update: 2024-11
